Issue 19: A Bad Thing
Well, it's been... a week.
Obviously, the U.S. election this week was on my mind, and even though I’m Canadian, I feel that the outcome —and yes, I know the House majority is not yet decided— is generally A Bad Thing™ for many reasons.
Anyone who knows me knows (or at least suspects) that I lean towards the progressive end of the spectrum. I generally don’t discuss politics outside of my very close circle, though, and others who have more context and experience with the topic have voiced the same views I hold far better than I ever could.
But, yeah: I believe people are going to suffer over the next four years.
Looking in hindsight, I also believe that I’ve been living with my head up my ass. This outcome should have been pretty clear, but my online circles tend to be pretty progressive echo chambers that fed off of internal energy to weave an expectation for the Democrats that just couldn’t be met.
Lesson learned.
Around The Web
Joan Westenberg, a favourite here, shares thoughts on why the election wasn’t rigged.
Adam Grant interviews Christina Tosi and Will Guidara on hospitality and servant leadership.
Thought Of The Week
Lean harder into talking to the people around you. Not the friends and family, not the coworkers — the neighbours, the checkout cashiers, the people at the dog park.
You tend to surround yourself with folks that think like you; you’ll learn a lot from the people that don’t.